Get Ready To Sell This Spring!

Get Ready To Sell This Spring!

did you know, houses listed in Spring sell an average of 12.8% above market value? Spring in Manitoba is just around the corner, and now is the time to get your house ready for the market! We have compiled the tips that most find useful when getting ready for the best market possible!
ONE: Yard Care
  • Clean up debris: A good way to start is by clearing any debris that has fallen in your yard over the fall and winter months, including branches, leaves, and dead plants from last year's garden.
  • Lawn care: Bring attention to your lawn by raking away dead brown grass, aerating, and spreading fertilizer to promote healthy green grass.
  • Tidy: Any tools or toys that got forgotten when the first snow came should be tidied for a cleaner look. Anything that takes away from the curb appeal could deter future home-owners.

TWO: Exterior Care
  • Check for damage: Inspect the exterior of your house for any signs of damage, like cracked and peeling paint, missing or loose shingles, or damaged siding.
  • Clean the exterior: Pressure wash your siding, deck, and (paved) driveway to remove dirt, dust, and buildup.
  • Inspect fixtures: Look over your outdoor lighting and replace bulbs. Climb up to see into gutters and downspouts to ensure they're in working condition and free from twigs and leaves.

THREE: Interior Care
  • Deep clean: Clean your home like never before; dusting, vacuuming, and washing windows are essential.
  • Declutter: Declutter your living spaces, donate or discard items that you no longer need or use.
  • HVAC: Get a professional HVAC inspection and maintenance service to check that your heating and cooling systems are running efficiently.

FOUR: Our Suggestion
  • You know how that third week of March doesn't always feel like Spring around here? Sometimes, we might leave our winter decor up longer than usual, our fluffy throw blankets might stay on the couch a little later, maybe the wintery evergreen wreath is still hanging on the front door. Our advice to you, is to take down that winter decor. It may still feel like winter today, but when buyers come view your house tomorrow, the sun may be shining. That Spring feeling may resonate in them, making them excited to start a new season. Just a vase of daisies, some bright colours, and a little extra light can add a touch that will go a long way in selling your home to excited new buyers!
Posted by Brad Elias on


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